The pinacle of creation was made clear in God's word is humans. God is satisfied and says everything is good until the 6th day until he says it is very good. When he finishes he says that male and femal is Very Good. God likes everything hes done before but he blesses Adam and Eve. He tells Adam that he must take care of and tend to his creation, as he has domain over them. In the past some Christians have ignored taking care of the earth and are seeing results from that. All that is created reflects the image of God, not just human beings. When Jesus came to walk on this Earth he fed people, he healed people, and anounced Good News to all (especially to the poorest among us. It is the poorest on this earth that suffer the most (the very people we are charged to protect as disicples of Jesus) that suffer the most from climate change. Ways we can improve enviromental health: turn thermostats down, evenriomently sealed windows. turn water heater down to 120 degrees, unglug unused electronics such as computers, ernergy efficient light bulbs, use reusable dishware (not plasic), use public trans. when possible, eat local (also healthier for you),  Lets take good care of Gods creation, God Bless.  

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