What is the call  Its a call to life, its a call to love, its a call to be
all you can be in the image of God, its a call to love God and care for all that
he has created. Its to stand up for the rights of all people as all are children
of God, its to spread peace. One of our greatest tasks and responsibilities is
to build a world through God where all people and I do mean  ALL people can live
freely and fully as Children of God, to have life abundant, and for them to be
all they can be as people made in God's image. God is love, we should sow seeds
of Love for all People, as they are all loved by God. When we begin to be
faithful of this message, then will world see a mighty Reformation. The world
will begin to see the body of Christ as it was intended, the world will look
once again at the body of Christ and find life, love, and holiness-for that is
what God is all about and that is what I and other disciples of Jesus must also
be all about, for God is love. Sweet are the stories the savouir once told for
all those who wish to hear, the love in his words can only be heard when you
learn to listen to your heart. Since I was five all I ever wanted to do is
spread the love of God and help all people of all people races, nationalities,
black, white, chineese, all people of all walks because God is love and in order
to truely be God's children we must be full of Love, for Love transforms the
world and God is love. This is my dream and live it, you must find your dream
and live it, for dreams transform the world into a better place