2 Peter paraphrase: Therefore I intend to keep reminding you of these things, even though you know them already. One of the blessings of a church that goes by calender is it constanly is reminding us of things. Were we come from, were all hope stems from, knowing who we are and who we are for, who we belong too. At this time of year it is getting colder and darker, often dreery in setting. The days grow shorter and shorter, and at least where I live the nights get longer and colder. Even so we have well heated and lighted buildings we can rely on, but God's people of the past hadnt had these modern advantages, imagine how frightning life was around the early church with the persecution, marydom, and so much more. Imagine how much they longed for deliverance the saving Grace of God and their need for a savior. Our need is just as great especially because of all the modern idols that steal our thoughts and time. Our need is every bit as great, its just has become easier to ignore because of modern conviences (which is truely sad)-we are just as much in the face of tragedy, despair, remorse, sin. Our need is every bit as great, Advent is the celebrating the  upcoming birth of Christ among us/is a time to slow down and notice. Notice what you may be asking, to notice how much we need God and nothing can replace him, no amount of technology or anything at all can replace him- We need God who is far bigger than our appetites or our inadequecies, a God who expects much of us and gives much to us, and saves us who turn away --saving us even from our selves. May we have the Grace and discipline to enter this season to prepare us for anything and everything our reedemer has in store for us. God Bless

This is an interesting topic that has been a source of Controversy for a long time among Christians, about what the sin in the Garden of Eden really meant. Often as followers of Christ we think of the first sin, they think of Adam and Eve and the Fall in the Garden of Eden. While this is indeed the first human sin, it is not
the first recorded sin in Scripture. As Christians, we know that the serpent
tempted Eve, but we often forget that the Devil’s fall from grace was what set
the stage for humankind’s fall... Lets dig in at this time in Genesuis we are past creation and we are at the stage where the man and the women (Adam and Eve) have taken a bite from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after some persuasion had occured by the serpent. They know their in trouble, their hiding, God comes looking from them and their hiding. Adam acts as if nothing is wrong, almost as if their is nothing to see here. However the reality is that they are hiding from God for they disobeyed him and now realise they were naked. God asks Adam if he partook in the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam admits to this but passes on the blame (as is human nature), he goes on to say....ah...........The women that you gave me, it is her fault, its not my fault....Its anyones fault but mine. This is what is thought of all to offten, but Eve is no less than Adam, Adam partook equally in this sin... There is another sterotype some of us might be thinking of.... Lets back up now....We have this image that Eve is walking all alone in the Garden, alone and vunerable. The snake comes up to here and convinces here to take a bite of the fruit which isnt hard to do because come one she is a women (wrong!!!!!). She then runs off to find the man and gives him the fruit, as Adam is tempted by Eve and her bueaty and that is why he partakes. Wrong Wrong Wrong. Except if we read the bible carefully we realize this is a misconception, has no real bearing. What really happens is she took a bite, gave it to Adam who was with her. It isnt that he wasnt present, just that he was passive and did not stop Eve. So much for the gender sterotype people often make in this passage. Man took the fruit without engaging in conversation and without thought or questioning. He equally partook in the sin. The women in this passage Eve, really had the first theological discussion as to what it means to be a human in God's image after the fall. She has a discussion about the nature of Good and Evil, morality and ethics, what she should be doing, what it means to belogn to God, what she should or should not do and what it means to God. Granted that this conversation did not have a good outcome, but it did establish what it means to be human after the fall. God Bless.

Another follower of Christ asked me does GOD hear and or answer prayers? What do you think? He most certainly does!!!! Remember when God's people were wandering in the dessert for years and years and years and years!  God heard those  people and Moses now didnt he.  When God hears us Cry out, what does he do you may be asking yourself.  God is with us even as Jesus and God the Father preside in Heaven the third part of the trinity the Holy Spirit is here with us and when two or more gather in God's name, Jesus is in the midst. Jesus is always in our hearts. We are the hands and feet, the body of Christ until Jesus returns. God often answers using us, his people!  That is part or one way God answers, but that isnt all. God motivates us to respond to those who cry out, the poor who need us, the sick, and the lowest among us. As followers of Christ it is our job to answer God's call for us to help those people. God can hear us, for God is love! God hears us through many ways-through our worries, our prayers or conversations with him, through the suffering of the world, through the love in the world, he hears us when we are gathered as his body for sure, God is beyond humanity. God is mroe than the human part of creation!!! God created all that is and it all reflects his awesome glory and power and love in some way. This shows his ability to create and heal all that is and bring life out of nothing and death. We need to listen to God in our lives, he speaks to us through nature, God is also in the scilence. It is often a subtle and quiet, yet quite obvious feeling in your heart were you here God answer your prayers and suddenly you know what God is telling you.  Encouraging video  below for the short hymn Here our Pray O' Lord 

The Archbishop of York has recorded a video message in preparation for Pentecost on Sunday 27 May (this festival is also known as Whit Sunday

I have been gone for a while because of the craziness of life, but Im back God Bless. Also their has been a slight change in the websites name. I also want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving.